Various and distinctive Motion Graphic Animations I have created.
"The Book Thief" Title Sequence Animation
Due to the pending war, the latter part of the 1930’s and early 1940’s in Germany was, for its citizens, a cause for hopelessness. This title design, created for the 2013 film “The Book Thief,” exemplifies the despair felt by an adolescent who found her solace by reading books. The animations of the vintage book illustrations serve as a visual metaphor for the loss of hope the protagonist, her adoptive family, and the citizens face as their freedom is slowly being taken away from them. This title design is to appear at the end of the motion picture.

Animated web banner for A.L.P.S. MvX Hand System, designed to create more engagement and brand awareness for the new hand fracture system.

Animated social media LinkedIn post promoting the AANS trade show company booth, and the main pair of products being advertised at the booth.