Often times healthcare professionals do not utilize rigid fixation devices for their patient's broken ribs, which can result in increased pain and failure to heal properly. With a comprehensive portfolio of Interthoraic and Intrathoracic rib fixation devices, Zimmer Biomet needed to advertise to surgeons the options to have less invasive and thus less risky surgery.
Even though Zimmer Biomet leads the market in Rib Trauma Solutions, there remains a large uncovered market potential. Visual brand identity includes RibFix Blu, the Interthoracic rib fixation product, and RibFix Advantage, the Intrathoracic rib fixation product. The objective of this campaign was to raise brand awareness of these surgical options. The target audience is healthcare professionals, particularly trauma surgeons, and the company's sales force.
3D rendering for the Rib Trauma Solutions trade show booth for the Chest Wall Injury Society Summit, featuring both RibFix Blu and RibFix Advantage as a suite of rib fixation solutions
Several LinkedIn and Facebook social media advertisements encouraging healthcare professionals to attend educational events featuring the rib products
Pull-up banners were used to advertise RibFix Blu and RibFix Advantage at several popular trauma and chest wall injury trade shows
Spreads from a digital catalog designed to show the options of booth graphics available
Homepage for Rib Trauma Solutions, featuring both RibFix Blu and RibFix Advantage surgical solutions